Tuesday, May 16, 2023

University in Cambodia


Public Higher Education Institutions:


1. Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

  2. University of Health Science (UHS)

  3. Royal University of Law and Economic (RULE)

  4. National University of Management (NUM)

  5. National Institute of Education (NIE)

  6. National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)

  7. Moyarishi Vedic University (MVU)

  8. Svay Rieng University (SRU)

  9. Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

 10. Royal University of Agriculture (RUA)

 11.Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA)

 12. Economics and Finance Institute (EFI)

 13.Institute of Health Science of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (IHS)

Private Higher Education Institution:

  1. Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC)

  2. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT)

  3. International Institute of Cambodia (IIC)

  4. Norton University (NU)

  5. University of Technology and Management (UTM)

  6. Build Bright University (BBU)

  7. University of Management and Economics (UME)

  8. University of Cambodia (UC)

  9.Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS)

 10. International University (IU)

 11. Newton Thilay University (NTU)

 12. Cambodia Mekong University (CMU)

 13. Institute for Business Education (IBE)

 14. Asia Europe University (AEU)

 15. Phnom Penh International University (PPIU)

 16. Chamroeun University of Polytechnology (CUP)

 17. Vanda Institute of Accounting (VIA)

 18. Western University (WU)

 19. ICS University (ICSU)

 20. Khemarak University (KU)

 21. Angkor University (AU)

 22. Human Resources University (HRU)

 23. Institute of Management Science (IMS)

 24. Angkor City Institute (ACI)

 25. Setec Institute (SI)

 26. Asia Pacific Institute (API)

 27. Institute of Cambodia (IC)

 28. Intered Institute (II)

 29. Sachak Asia Development Institute (SADI)


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