Sunday, May 21, 2023

Komārabrahmacariya Sila


Komārabrahmacariya Sila means Brahmacariyapañcamaka Sila. Komarabrahmacariya Sila means the noble morality of unmarried youths who abstained from all sexual acts in observing five moral precepts. For ladies, it is called Komāribrahmacariya Sila. The way of undertaking to observe this precept is the

The Seven Factors of Enlightenment


The Paliword Sambojjhaæga is a combination of two words, Sambodi and Aæga. Samodi means normally "enlightenment", but in this context it also means the through knowledge of the Dhamma, the through knowledge of the objects of meditation, which are nāma and rupa. The Paliword Aæga means "factor". So the factors of Enlightenment mean components of through knowledge of mind and matter (Dhamma).

Sakka's Questions(Vipassanā)


Sakka-panha Sutta (DN 21) -- Sakka's Questions (excerpt). Sakka, the deva-king, asks the Buddha about the sources of conflict & hostility, and about the path of practice that brings them to an end. This discourse ends with a humorous account about Sakka's frustration in trying to learn the Dhamma from other contemplatives. It's hard to find a teacher when you're a king.