Friday, May 12, 2023

What are The Benefits of Critical Thinking Skills


– A good critical thinker knows how to separate facts from other people’s opinions, how to  examine an issue from all possible sides, how to make rational inferences and how to withhold personal judgement or biase or assumptions.

– Rational critical thinkers are generally the voices of reason in time of panic. The critical thinker has the skills to consider all possible options and solve a problem. The critical thinker remains calm and knows when he/she is right.

– Critical thinker are less likely to fall for tricks because they approach everything with some skepticism (not believing that absolutely everything you are hear, you see or you read is 100% true).

– Critical thinker consider all options before they act. If they need to make a quick decision, they consider the fastest method of achieving their goal. They may even discover a shortcut. Critical thinker use the phrase “work smarter, not harder” and they are always extremely efficient.

– Many of the highest paying jobs require critical thinking skills, such as coming up with effective ideas and making important decisions. Job interviewers often ask applicants questions that test their ability to think critically. Critical thinking skills may also be a deciding factor when someone is looking for a promotion.

– A critical thinker has the self-awareness to know the difference between a rational thought based on careful consideration and an emotional response based on personal bias. By understanding your own perspective, you can also consider the perspective of others and come to a conclusion based on fact(s), not feelings.

– Critical thinkers know how to develop their minds and read quality materials as often as they can. Watching TV does not improve your critical thinking skills – it actually makes them weaker, so you need to invest some real time in reading and educate yourself!

– We have too much information in society and so critical thinking skills help you focus on what matters and what is important. We also have too many option to choose from and so critical thinking skills help you to do what matters.

– Critical thinking helps you avoid false beliefs. Do you believe something because you read it somewhere? Because your family or government or culture told you so? Because it make you feel good? Because you “just believe” it? If so, you probably have many false beliefs. Critical thinking skills can help you avoid those. Who knows? It might even help you form (make/come up with) some true beliefs.

– Critical thinkers can think in “color” instead of “black and white” – because they see many sides of something instead of being close-minded.

– Critical thinkers are more likely to be able to tell if something is the right thing to do, because they can look at things objectively.

REMEMBER The saying ” Practice Makes Perfect”. You can learn all the Theory You Want About Critical Thinking But if you don’t practice enough… You will never be a Critical Thinker!. – PUC Pen Southea

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