Sunday, May 14, 2023

We are back at the Angkor National Museum in Siem Reap for this almost perfect specimen of Vishnu

We are back at the Angkor National Museum in Siem Reap for this almost perfect specimen of Vishnu, the protector god in all his glory. He came on loan from the National Museum (Ka.2576) in 2007 when the Angkor museum opened its doors, though his arrival date from his original location in Kompong Speu province is recorded as a fairly recent addition in June 1997. He was found at the village of Tuol, Maha Sang commune in Phnom Sruoch district of Kompong Speu. Nonetheless, what we have is a four-and-a-half feet tall sandstone sculpture from the 7th century pre-Angkor period, displaying the strength that made Vishnu such an omnipresent force throughout that era. His identify is confirmed by the high cylindrical miter, symbolizing his kingly status. The supporting structure originally had the upper hands and attributes (discus in his right upper hand) connected to the head while the lower attributes and arms are aided by simple columns of stone, with the lower left column as one of the god’s attributes, the mace. He holds a sphere representing the earth in his lower right hand. The belted sampot, just below his slightly protruding belly, has a knot with a dropping edge that extends to between his feet, as an additional support. These reinforcements are only to be found in pre-Angkor statuary. The arms and legs are slightly heavy with an hourglass torso, and a stylized face with arching eyebrows, open eyes and a self-assured smile. The only attribute not present is the conch shell, missing from his upper left hand. This is one of a series of pre-Angkor Vishnu statues on display to the public at the museum.
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